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Upcoming Events

Beginning November 3, 2021, I will have a presentation and debate every last Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM EDT. Bookmark this page to check for links to join. You won't want to miss it!

  • "What makes uncertainty different between cultures and countries"

  • "The destruction caused by gossip"

  • "What are the real roots of conflict?"

  • "Marital Mediation can put conflictual parties back together"

  • "Why lying never is constructive"

  • "Unconscious Bias in more aspects than diversity and inclusion"

Latest Articles

Let go of planning

Living in the present is undoubtedly the way to go to live a happy life. Of course, there is no excuse to procrastinate or decline a deadline. Letting go of high expectations demonstrates a great level of wisdom.

Next job is yours

What you can't afford is to waste anytime looking for your next job. A three steps I am sure will get you closer to achieving your goals

Soul of the brand

Did you know that a brand does indeed have a soul? You can say that this is an over-statement. In fact, call it a DNA. It sounds better. Let's however remain realistic here. We can make that brand intimately create its own unique and exceptional experience by customizing it to its most loyal customer...

I won't buy iPhone X

Lately, I also took another attitude with my smartphone. It stays in my car when I am with my Family. When I see a client. And also when I pray. In the right order: when I pray. When I see my Family. When I meet with a client.

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